A special thank you to Holly Craft for helping me set up this blog...we shall see how great an idea this is for me to blog - I know, I know, it's easy when you know how - LOL!
Jan's Joy: Thank you to the Alzheimer's Care Givers: "A special thank you to all those giving care to people with Alzheimer's. We took care of my husband's mother for 11 years before she had to go to a nursing home, and know the dedication involved. You are so special to give this non-stop care. Thank you for all you do to insure comfort and love. If you would like to thank 'Alzeimer's Care Givers' and do not have a specific person in mind, here's a worth site (of course, cards are always welcome): To the Staff at the Artman Home; 250 N. Bethlehem Pike; Ambler, PA 19002. "